The 10 best things to do in Reykjavik

Visiting Þingvellir National Park (a popular spot for viewing the Northern Lights) is one of the best things to do in Reykjavik – Ragnar Th Sigurdsson© Provided by The Telegraph

Despite its modest proportions, you won’t ever be short of anything to do in Reykjavik. Alongside alluring natural sights — Tjörnin Lake, the pretty harbour, Mount Esja — the capital also offers museums and art galleries galore, plus some fascinating architecture (the soaring Hallgrimskirkja church being a case in point), and a unique blend of local community dynamics with a worldy cosmopolitanism. That’s without mentioning the idiosyncratic shopping, abundant hot pools, and a year-round calendar foaming with concerts, events and festivals.

Bird-watch at Reykjavik’s pretty central pond

Reykjavik’s scenic central pond draws an impressive variety of birdlife, from Arctic terns and swans to greylag geese and mallard ducks. Strolling round Tjörnin Lake, which is fringed by cultural and municipal buildings, parks and residences, is a popular local pastime – so much so that the lake is sometimes referred to as the ‘biggest bread soup in the world’. It’s best to feed them grains and seeds if possible, since bread isn’t the best for their diets and also attracts aggressive seagulls.

Insider’s Tip: Pop into the nearby City Hall to find an exhibition hall featuring an engrossing 3D map of the country, and works by local artists.


Price: Free

Strolling around Tjörnin Lake is a popular local pastime – © 2011 Giampaolo Petrucci/Photo Giampaolo Petrucci© Provided by The Telegraph

Take in the views from the tower of the city’s tallest landmark

It’s impossible to miss Hallgrímskirkja, the city’s main church; at 240-feet tall, it’s by far the highest landmark in the city and its rocket-shaped exterior certainly makes it the most distinctive sight in town. It was designed by famed national architect Guðjón Samúelsson, who was inspired by the country’s basalt rock formations. Admire the statue of national hero Leifur Eiríksson outside before exploring the rich interior, which includes an immense organ with over 5,000 pipes.

Insider’s Tip: Take the lift up to the church’s tower for magnificent views over Reykjavik’s colourful rooftops and out across the harbour and the sea. Note that the tower shuts half an hour before the usual closing time.


Price: £

At 240-feet tall, Hallgrímskirkja is by far the highest building in the city – This content is subject to copyright./seng chye teo© Provided by The Telegraph

Find time for a dip in one of the capital’s hot pools

A swim in one of Reykjavik’s geothermal pools is both a wonderful way to relax and — if you select the right spot — an excellent way to meet and mingle with the locals, who use the pools to socialise. One of the best is Vesturbæjarlaug, which can be reached via a pleasant 20-minute promenade walk from the city or by bus. It has four hot tubs, one cold bath, a large outdoor pool and a steam room.

Insider’s Tip: Be aware that Icelandic pools and changing areas are often mixed sex. If you don’t have your swimming costume you can rent one from most places.


Price: £

A trip to a geothermal pool is a great way to mingle with the locals, who use them to socialise© Provided by The Telegraph

Experience live music at the city’s most impressive cultural venue

The Harpa Concert Hall has gone from being a costly controversy (it was built during the economic collapse) to one of the country’s main sources of cultural pride. Home to the Iceland Symphony Orchestra and the Icelandic Opera, its stunning facade, designed by Icelandic-Danish artist Olafur Eliasson, contains several visually stunning halls with outstanding acoustics, as well as a record shop, café and restaurant and more.

Insider’s Tip: Another option is to take one of the 30-minute daily guided tours, which offer insights into the history, architecture, design and acoustics of the building, as well as visiting parts of the interior not normally open to the public.


Price: £-££

Harpa Concert Hall has gone from being a costly controversy to a source of cultural pride – © Ragnar Th Sigurdsson,© Ragnar Th Sigurdsson© Provided by The Telegraph

Explore Reykjavik’s regenerated harbour

Reykjavik’s harbour area, once the lone preserve of ships and their captains and fishermen, still functions as a traditional harbour, complete with trawlers, whaling ships and other boats. But a recent regeneration project, starting with the Harpa Concert Hall development, has made it into a mini-district of its own, with cafés, restaurants and even museums to visit.

Insider’s Tip: Wandering aimlessly is pleasant enough, but specific activities to look out for include taking a whale- or puffin-watching trip from one of the harbour tour companies such as Elding, enjoying a delicious lobster soup at Sægreifinn, or browsing the Reykjavik Maritime Museum whose permanent exhibition explores 150 years of fisheries in Reykjavik.


Price: £

The Viking Maritime Museum is just one of the attractions of the regenerated harbour© Provided by The Telegraph

Learn the story of Iceland, from Vikings to the present day

Icelandic history has the advantage of a relatively straightforward and clear narrative while still containing plenty of drama. The permanent exhibition at Reykjavik’s National Museum tells the entire story from settlement to the present-day, making great use of various archeological finds, as well as historic photos. Among the 2,000 objects are replicas of swords and drinking horns, plus an elaborately decorated 13th-century church door from Valþjófsstaðir.

Insider’s Tip: Grab a free smartphone audio guide to hear a lot of entertaining extra detail.


Price: £

The permanent exhibition at Reykjavik’s National Museum tells the story of the Vikings© Provided by The Telegraph

Go back in time at a rural open-air museum

The Arbær Open Air Museum, part of the Reykjavík City Museum, was created to give an example of how rural Reykjavik life used to be just a few decades ago. Essentially a village a 15-minute drive outside of the capital, it was built around the remnants of a working farm and supplemented by buildings moved here from the city-centre, as well as some domestic animals and old machinery.

Insider’s Tip: Staff dress in period costume and offer workshops for traditional crafts such as spinning yarn, making candles and churning butter, making it an interesting visit for adults and children alike. Free guided tours take place daily at 1pm.


Price: £

Discover how how rural Reykjavik life used to be at the Arbær Open Air Museum – JAVIERBALLESTER.COM.ES© Provided by The Telegraph

Hike past lakes, waterfalls and cliffs in a pretty national park

Þingvellir National Park, located around 30 miles outside of the city, is one of the most enticing natural sites in reasonable proximity to Reykjavik. It is most famously the site of Iceland’s original Viking parliament (Assembly) but it’s also a stunning natural park with easy to follow (mostly) wooden walkways guiding visitors past lakes, waterfalls, cliffs and occasional buildings such as the pretty Þingvellir church.

Insider’s Tip: If you’re a water enthusiast, book a trip to the park’s Silfra fissure, the only place in the world where you can snorkel and dive between the North American and Eurasian continents.


Price: £

Þingvellir National Park is one of the most enticing natural sites in reasonable proximity to Reykjavik – ©Sizun Eye/Sizun Eye© Provided by The Telegraph

Enjoy outdoor art in a peaceful sculpture garden

The Reykjavik Art Museum is split between three different venues, the most alluring being Ásmundarsafn — a museum dedicated to the work and life of sculptor Ásmundur Sveinsson. It’s not as central as the other two locations (although it is still only a 30-minute walk from the city centre) but the reward is a unique piece of Mediterranean-style white domed architecture, which the artist designed himself, plus a selection of his works both inside and in the pleasant sculpture garden. Keen for more? The more central Hafnarhús part of the Reykjavík Art Museum, has six galleries with a mix of contemporary art (local and international) and a permanent collection of works from Iceland’s most famous pop artist, Erró.

Insider’s Tip: To make the most of the trip, combine it with a walk to the nearby botanic garden, Reykjavik Park and Zoo, or a dip in the thermal pools at the Laugardalur Sports Complex.


Price: £

Ásmundarsafn is a museum dedicated to the work and life of sculptor Ásmundur Sveinsson© Provided by The Telegraph

Marshall House

The Marshall House was built in 1948 in the Grandi area—an extension of the harbour district that has long been an important part of the local fishing industry. The house started life as a fish meal factory but along with the renovation of the entire area, it was transformed into a cultural centre in 2017. Characterised by large windows and a linear procession of beams and columns in twentieth-century industrial style (as well as an eye-catching concrete staircase), the space consists of four independently-operated art spaces: The Living Art Museum, a non-profit museum founded by artists in the 70s; Kling & Bang, an artist-run gallery space; Þula, a newer gallery focusing on emerging artists; and i8 Grandi, the second space of i8 Gallery, a long-standing contemporary art gallery founded in 1995—single artist shows here last a whole year. On the top floor of the building is the private studio of the award-winning eponymous Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson, whose designs were used in the Harpa Concert Hall, and many of his works can be seen on the ground floor of the Marshall House, where visitors can also grab a coffee or lunch at La Primavera restaurant.