TikToker Explains Why It’s So Important To Dump Out ‘Trapped Water’ From Plastic Bottles


TikToker Explains Why It’s So Important To Dump Out ‘Trapped Water’ From Plastic Bottles

Screenshots from @spreadyourdreams' TikTok video

TikToker @spreadyourdreams took to the social media platform to raise awareness about ‘trapped water’ and why it’s so important to empty out any water or juice from plastic bottles.

Though not everyone wants to buy into the concepts of climate change and global warming, there’s truly no arguing anymore that the earth needs our help.

For people who aren’t sure where to start, it might be surprising how small and simple some environmentally-friendly acts are.

TikToker Kati of @spreadyourdreams pointed out, for example, the importance of emptying out abandoned water bottles that you might find while outside.

Though this might sound strange, the water contained in these water bottles is fresh water, which is a limited source that is not replenishing at this point. By dumping these water bottles out, the contents are able to enter the earth and become a part of the water cycle again.

When the water is instead left in those water bottles, that trapped water is wasted, and over time our water cycles will become shorter and more scarce, which will have frightening repercussions for the earth and all of its inhabitants—including us.

Kati explained:

“I’m on this quest to dump out any water that gets trapped in the plastic, because once it’s trapped in these plastic bottles, we now have lost it basically forever.”

“It’s really important when you see water that’s been discarded to open it up and dump it out.”

The TikToker pointed out that other liquid sources, like sports drinks and soups, were important to dump out, as well, as they also contain water and will contribute to the larger cycle.

You can watch the video here:


Some Redditors had their eyes opened and could not believe they hadn’t thought of this before.









Others felt extremely validated by the video.








While emptying an abandoned water bottle may seem like too small of a gesture to make a difference, this is a great example of small acts having a cumulative effect.

Though picking up trash on the side of the road in one location will not change the world, many people picking up trash in hundreds of locations will.

And emptying one water bottle and giving that water back to the water cycle may not improve our fresh water shortage, but millions of people who have seen this video putting this into practice very well might.